
Our Story

Our story is yours, let's write the next page together


Hello ! Let me introduce myself, I'm Krystophie, Travel Designer and creator of Swarga Odyssey. It is sometimes said that travel transforms people, and I believe that was the case for me when I first came to Bali. Since then I have never left.

When I explore a destination, I am always keen to interact with the locals, and to fully immerse myself in the culture. I wish anyone to experience these magical and intense moments, and for this reason, I have created Swarga Odyssey.

image de Krystophie, créateur de l'agence de voyage Swarga Odyssey, sur bateau croisière îles Komodo
vue drône de Krystophie et Christopher, créateurs de Swarga Odyssey avec eau turquoise et jetée.

“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it is deadly.”

We are adventurers above all. Exploring the world in its smallest corners, breaking routine, experiencing new adventures is the way of life we ​​have chosen. So we use our experience and experience to create THE trip of a lifetime for you.

We are adventurers above all. Exploring the world in its smallest corners, breaking routine, experiencing new adventures is the way of life we ​​have chosen. So we use our experience and experience to create THE trip of a lifetime for you.

Famille de notre amis Balinais Komang et Krystophie
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We provide you everything you need for a flawless trip.

We are available Monday to fridayfrom 6 AM to 3 PM
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