


Swarga Odyssey est une agence de voyage qui propose via son site internet https://www.swarga-odyssey.com (ci–après, le « Site »), l'élaboration et la vente de voyages sur mesure à destination de l'Indonésie.

Swarga Odyssey© désigne la société PT Harmony Horizon Group, enregistrée au registre des sociétés Indonésiennes sous le numéro (NIB) 2901240080126, en tant qu’agence de voyage (classification d’activité N° 79121), dont le siège social est basé à l’adresse suivante : Jalan Mertanadi No. 86E, Kelurahan Kerobokan Kelod, Kecamatan Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali, 80363. Téléphone : +62 823 4017 7398 - Email : swarga.odyssey@gmail.com

Les présentes Conditions Générales d'Utilisation (ci-après désignées « CGU ») ont vocation à s'appliquer de façon exclusive entre Swarga Odyssey et toute personne souhaitant accéder au Site et /ou utiliser les services proposés depuis le Site (ci-après, l'« Utilisateur »).

Toute utilisation des services proposés via le Site emporte de plein droit l'application des présentes CGU. Nous vous invitons à les lire attentivement.

Nous vous informons que les dispositions des présentes CGU sont susceptibles d'être modifiées notamment en raison de l'évolution législative et/ou réglementaire, sans que la responsabilité de Swarga Odyssey puisse être recherchée. Les modifications prendront effet à leur publication sur le Site (sauf indication contraire). La dernière version mise à jour, sera disponible à tous et accessible en permanence sur le Site, en cliquant sur le lien « Mentions Légales » figurant en pied de page.

Article 1 : Mentions légales

1.1. The website is published by Swarga Odyssey©, referring to PT Harmony Horizon Group, registered in Indonesia under number (NIB) 2901240080126, classified as a travel agency (activity classification No. 79121), with its headquarters located at Jalan Mertanadi No. 86E, Kelurahan Kerobokan Kelod, Kecamatan Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali, 80363. Phone: +62 823 4017 7398 - Email: swarga.odyssey@gmail.com Téléphone : +62 823 4017 7398 - Email : swarga.odyssey@gmail.com

1.2. The website www.swarga-odyssey.com is hosted by Webflow, headquartered at 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103, with email address : contact@webflow.com.

Article 2 : Définitions

Website : refers to the website of PT Harmony Horizon Group accessible at https://www.swarga-odyssey.com

User : any internet user navigating and/or using the services provided by Swarga Odyssey through the website.

Services : refer to all the services offered by Swarga Odyssey, including travel services and associated services.

Prospect: any internet user browsing the Site.

Client : any internet user who, after accessing the Site, (i) subscribes to the Newsletter, and/or (ii) requests a quote, and/or (iii) accepts a travel proposal received from Swarga Odyssey.

Article 3 : Access & use of the website

The Site is accessible free of charge from any location by any User with internet access. All costs incurred by the User to access the Services remain their responsibility. Similarly, Swarga Odyssey cannot be held liable for any internet connection issues related to the User's equipment and/or service providers (including reduced speed or interrupted connection).

From the Site, Users have access to the following information and/or Services: :

  • A diverse travel offer covering most countries open to travel (free access for all internet users)
  • Detailed information about the various products and services offered by Swarga Odyssey (free access for all internet users)
  • A specific section to request an online quote via the "Online Quote" section
  • Access to a personalized area for Clients with access codes to view the quote proposed by Swarga Odyssey and/or the subscribed travel contract.

Article 4 : Guarantee and liability

Swarga Odyssey will make every effort to ensure that the Site is accessible 24/7, except in cases of force majeure or events beyond Swarga Odyssey's control, and subject to potential outages and necessary maintenance interventions for the proper functioning of the Site.

To manage the Site effectively, Swarga Odyssey may at any time:

  • Suspend, interrupt, or limit access to all or part of the Site, restrict access to the Site, or certain sections of it,
  • Remove any information that could disrupt its operation or conflicts with applicable regulations,
  • Suspend the Site to carry out updates.

Swarga Odyssey cannot be held liable for any failures, malfunctions, difficulties, or interruptions preventing access to the Site or its functionalities.The User is responsible for their equipment used to connect to the Site and must take appropriate measures to protect their equipment and data, particularly in the event of online attacks. Swarga Odyssey cannot be held liable, with the User remaining solely responsible for the websites and data they access.

Swarga Odyssey cannot be held liable, with the User remaining solely responsible for the websites and data they access.

Article 5 : General obligations of the website user

The User agrees to use the Site in accordance with the provisions of these GTU, public order, and good morals, respecting intellectual property rights and image rights. Failure to comply with these provisions may result in Swarga Odyssey holding the User liable.

You must keep all identifiers and passwords used to access the Site or any part of it strictly confidential and must not allow anyone to access or use these identifiers and passwords.

You are responsible for all activities related to the Services used or accessed via your client area. You must immediately notify Swarga Odyssey of any unauthorized use of your identifiers and passwords by sending an email to : swarga.odyssey@gmail.com

y using the Services, you represent and warrant that :

  1. All information you provide is truthful and accurate ;
  2. You will maintain the accuracy of this information ;
  3. Your use of the Services does not violate any applicable laws or regulations

Article 6 : Intellectual property

All content and materials displayed on the Site, such as texts, graphics, videos, audiovisual works, logos, photographs, icons, images, audio clips, and software, are the property of Swarga Odyssey or its licensors. These contents and materials are protected by international copyright laws.

Content and materials present on the Site, operated, licensed, or controlled by Swarga Odyssey cannot be copied. Modification or use of the content or materials for any other purpose would infringe on Swarga Odyssey’s and/or its licensors’ intellectual property rights.

Such content and materials cannot be distributed, republished, downloaded, or transmitted in any way without the prior written consent of Swarga Odyssey.

Swarga Odyssey, and other trademarks and logos of PT Harmony Horizon Group, whether registered or not, are the property of PT Harmony Horizon Group. All other trademarks on the Service are the property of their respective owners and are collectively referred to as Swarga Odyssey Trademarks. Unauthorized use of these Trademarks is prohibited by law. No part of the Service or these GTU should be interpreted as granting, implicitly or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on this Service without specific prior written authorization from Swarga Odyssey for each use. Use of any Trademark in connection with a link to or from any website is prohibited without prior written authorization from Swarga Odyssey.

Article 7 : Collecte de données personnelles

To learn more about the collection and processing of your personal data and our use of Cookies, please refer to our Privacy and Cookies Policy.

Article 8 : applicable law and jurisdiction

These GTU are governed by Indonesian and international law. Any dispute relating to their interpretation and/or execution falls under the jurisdiction of the courts.

Article 9 : Contact

If you wish to contact us, including for any complaints, you can send an email to : hello@swarga-odyssey.com .