
How to get around Bali ?

Written by
Manon Selva
Published on
Sep 13, 2024
Travel in Indonesia

Welcome on the blog of Swarga Odyssey, a local travel agency specialized in Indonesia. Here, we give you all the advice and tips to prepare your trip to Bali and Indonesia.

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Are the flight tickets to Bali booked yet ? Great ! Step 2 : find a local means of transport. Lucky you, through this article, we have put together all the best ways just for you ! We hope to see you around someday !

Get transported

Grab and Gojek

Scooters and cars galore ! They both are very common applications in Asia. It's the equivalent of Uber.

The app and the drivers are reliable. They take you wherever you want, when you want. Enter your bank card in order to pay online or pay in cash if you are not very adept at the idea of entering your card numbers.

NB: You can order only one Grab/Gojek at a time. If you come in a group, you will need to install Grab/Gojek on all phones (for scooters). Since the application collects 25% of the price of the trip, it is also not uncommon to see drivers

❔ The pros and cons of Grab and Gojek:

✅ The advantages :
  • It is the cheapest means of transport in Bali: count between 60 cents and 2 euros maximum for a trip around the city by scooter; by car, the price varies, it is often 3 times more expensive. Otherwise, count between 10 and 20 euros for trips between cities by scooter or car
  • They are available at any time of the day: morning and night
  • The price is fixed in advance: no need to negotiate and no risk of being ripped off
  • 100% immersive scooter experience in Bali: as a scooter passenger, ride the roads of Bali like a local
  • Secure: you can follow your journey. If the driver deviates from the initial trajectory or if you stop for too long. Grab/Gojek will send you a notification asking if you are doing well and why you are at a standstill
❌ The disadvantages:
  • Driving may seem sporty in all this hustle and bustle, but they are very good drivers, so there's no risk!
  • Downloading an application to use their services: this is not an inconvenience in itself, except if technology and you make two.
  • They are not present everywhere; in particular in the most remote areas, they do not move.
  • Because of the taxi mafia in Bali, they cannot drop you off or pick you up in some places, such as Canggu Beach for example

Who are private drivers? And how does that work?

He is a driver who will accompany you throughout your trip. Attention, your driver is not a GUIDE! His work hours are not extendable! Like everyone else, he works during the day, but in the evening he is no longer on duty.

For a private driver, count between 40 and 50 euros per day, depending on the season.

❔ The pros and cons private drivers:

✅ The advantages:
  • Ideal for visiting Bali without getting lost
  • Easy to find: your hotel, guest house or travel agency can recommend a driver
  • Safe mode of transport: they know Bali and its traffic better than anyone, so you are safe with them
❌ The disadvantages:
  • The driver does not work 24 hours a day: like all workers, he has 7/8 hour working days.
  • Some drivers are guides, others don't.
  • Language barrier: not all drivers speak English or very little.

Or maybe a private guide?

You can opt for a guide. He will take you to every corner of Bali and accompany you to activities. You can choose a French or English speaking guide.

The difference between a guide and a driver is as follows: the driver takes you from point A to point B, even if some like to stretch their legs, the driver will not accompany you to the activities.

A guide also takes you to the various places and activities, but his job does not end there. Its role is to help you discover the culture. He will therefore be there all along to “liven up” your day, and explain cultural subtleties to you.

→ For a French-speaking guide, count between €90 and €120 per day;

→ For an English-speaking guide, count between €70 and €90 per day;

❔ The pros and cons of a private guide:

✅ The advantages:
  • They know the island very well
  • They will show you the most remote places in Bali
  • Local knowledge and explanations
  • New moments to share (experiences)

❌ The disadvantages:
  • More expensive than other services
  • Limited availability: difficult to find a French-speaking or English-speaking guide during the high season

Taxis or Taksi Bluebird

Bluebird is the biggest taxi service in Indonesia. They are known for their fair rates, good quality vehicles, and the professionalism of their drivers. They have the best reputation in Indonesia.

How do I book a Bluebird?

You can call them directly on the street, ask at your hotel, or download the Bluebird app on your phone. It's the same principle as the Grab and Gojek apps: you can book your trip, track your driver and pay by card or cash.

❔ The pros and cons of a Bluebird :

✅ The advantages:
  • They are available in tourist areas in Bali
  • Easy to book from a hotel, your guest house or on the app
  • It's a safe way to get around the island
  • The drivers all speak a minimum of English
  • Bookable in advance

❌ The disadvantages:
  • The rates are higher compared to their competitors; they include the price of the pick-up and a flat rate per kilometer
  • They are still not guides

Public transport in Bali?

Rather intended for bagpackers, or those looking to save as much as possible. There are BEMO, they are minibuses that connect big cities. They have about ten seats on board. They usually only run in the morning and are often used by locals. They do not insure all the stops, so they are impractical..

Travelling by your own means

Scooter rental

In Bali, you can rent a scooter for a maximum of €5 to €12 per day. You will find rental shops all over the island. It is the most economical standalone solution. A full tank of gas is around 2 to 5 euros maximum.

What license do I need?

The possession of an international 125 scooter or motorcycle license is MANDATORY. The rental agency will not ask you for proof, but during a police check, if you are unable to present your 125cc/INTERNATIONAL motorcycle license, fine assured and I assure you that we do not want to laugh with them.

Am I covered by travel insurance?

In addition, in terms of insurance, if you have the 125 cc or motorcycle international license, you will be insured.

Otherwise, if you still want to rent a scooter without a license, no insurance will cover your medical expenses. In the event of an accident, everyone gets their own money.

If you want to play James Bond, you have the Nmax, they are more powerful scooters, but much more stable on the roads and allow you to make long trips comfortably. But again, if you don't have a license, you're in for nothing when it comes to insurance.

❔ The pros and cons of the scooter:

✅ The advantages:
  • Renting by the day/week/month is very inexpensive.
  • Best option for traffic jams: no more traffic jams, squeeze between cars so as not to waste time.
  • 100% immersion in the heart of Balinese traffic.
  • Freedom to travel where cars cannot go: small paths along the rice fields...

❌ The disadvantages:
  • The traffic code being non-existent = stress
  • Not very comfortable for long trips
  • Making it difficult to lug around suitcases

A quick reminder of scooters in Bali

Insured scooters - 125 cc license:
  • Scoopy 110cc
  • Vario 125 cc

Scooters/motorbikes insured with a motorcycle license:
  • Nmax 150
  • All motorbikes

For the others:

No arms = no chocolate.

No license = no reimbursement of fees = bad sign for the wallet.

It's just advice, but it's better to spend your money on activities than on medical expenses, you'll have a better vacation.

This is why we offer private drivers and guides in our trips. Of course, the costs are more expensive but this goes hand in hand with financial security.

One last little tip: on Google Maps, don't put the “motorcycle” mode on if you don't want to find yourself in small narrow paths. Even if you are looking for authenticity, we don't recommend it.

PS: On the other hand, we recommend Chakpa insurance, which offers several packs according to traveller profiles.

Walking? A good idea in Bali?

It's a NO! (That comes from the heart)

Avoid walking in Bali, except in remote villages or on the shopping streets. Otherwise, you will quickly find yourself at the side of the road, on a wasteland with dogs. The island is in the process of developing sidewalks, but they are still very impractical and especially under construction.

The 8 Commandments of Bali:

❕ On the left you will drive:

In Bali, driving is on the left.

🐜 In an anthill of scooters you will find yourself:

There is a huge amount of scooters in Bali: it's a giant anthill.

🗺️ The GPS you will use:

Very few direction signs: if the sense of orientation is not your strong suit, opt for GPS.

⛳️ Potholes and narrow roads you will take:

The condition of the roads in Bali is not ideal; in the south, the roads are fairly good, but the further away you go, the more degraded they are.

📣 With the horn you will communicate:

The horn = the main means of communication in Bali: here, we have fun with the horn. It is important to show your presence in each of your actions, but be careful, like everything, you must consume in moderation!

Overtaking on both sides you will suffer:

Overtaking: on the right and on the left. Pay close attention to your surroundings, scooters can pass you on both sides.

⛽️ You'll pay for a liter of gas at 0.70 cents.

🛵 If you have never driven a scooter, in the passenger seat you will remain:

If you've never ridden a scooter, don't try to get started in Bali. We agree that everything needs a first time, except in this case; the expression may be an exception for you.

Restez dans la boucle

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